Janet Ulrich Brooks as Sophie Treadwell in NOT ENOUGH AIR, Timeline Theatre, 2009 (Photo by Lara Goetsch)

Three Pieces from "Not Enough Air"

Music written and performed by Andy Hansen

from the 2009 Timeline Theatre production of

NOT ENOUGH AIR by Masha Obolensky

Directed by Nick Bowling

Set Design by Brian Sidney Bembridge

Costume Design by Lindsey Pate

Lighting Design by Heather Gilbert

Masha Obelensky’s play tells the true story of journalist Sophie Treadwell writing the play MACHINAL, a major work of modernism and expressionist theatre.  Treadwell was inspired by her work as a journalist covering the trial of Ruth Snyder, the first woman to be executed by electric chair.  In NOT ENOUGH AIR, the “real” world is inventively blended with the world of Treadwell’s play.  The production required expressionist music that blurred the line between music and sound.